Degree Program of E-Learning


The Degree Program of E-Learning is an interdisciplinary master program, organized by the Departments of Electrophysics, Applied Mathematics and Applied Chemistry, Institute of Statistics, and Institute of Physics. In addition, some faculties from the College of Biological Science and Technology, College of Computer Science, Institute of Education, Institute of Applied Arts, and the Center of General Education also participate in the program.


Owing to the rapid development of the internet, e-learning will undoubtedly become a crucial learning medium of society. E-learning provides an alternative education channel to enhance traditional learning experience. When correctly applied, resources in time and space can be saved while interactivity in the cyberspace can be enhanced. One of the main purposes of this program is to nurture teachers from elementary and secondary schools to fulfill potential e-learning needs of the e-generation. This program emphasizes the R&D and applications of computer and networking technology to science education and e-learning.

The program provides opportunities for K-12 teachers in mathematics, natural sciences, and computer science be acquainted with various e-learning theories and technology. The goals are to utilize the advancement of the internet to dramatically improve the efficiency of e-learning, to enhance school network related programs, to enrich e-learning resources, and to familiarize the instructors with e-classroom software which includes various online activities and study performance tracking.

Program Description

The class is basically an e-learning experience. E-learning framework possesses several important transitions as follows: From a teaching to a learning environment From mere teaching to constructive education From single medium to multimedia presentations From one way to interactive learning experiences From solitary to cooperative learning environments Practical e-learning implementation and interdisciplinary training are provided to aid the planning of course subjects and thesis

Degree Program of Applied Science and Technology


The Degree Program of Applied Science and Technology is an interdisciplinary master program, organized by the Departments of Electrophysics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Chemistry, Institute of Statistics, and Institutes of Physics. Some faculties from the Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, the Display Institute, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the Institute of Nanotechnology, and the College of Biological Science and Technology also participated in the program.


To better prepare workers in high-tech industry: The rapid advancement of technology and the challenges of knowledge-based economy have substantially shortened the lifespan of specialized skills and product, which in turn created greater knowledge demands for employees. Confronted with such challenges technology workers must be better prepared with the latest specialized knowledge and innovative R&D skills.

To support the nation’s high tech development plan: The nation’s high-tech development project expects that the ratio of graduate to undergraduate research personnel in various corporations will reach 50% in the year 2004, which will climb to 55% in the subsequent decade.

To dedicate the available resources to society: The program provides extended education experience to employees in the neighboring Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park.

Program Description

The Degree Program of Applied Science and Technology is an interdisciplinary master program, organized by the Departments of Electrophysics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Chemistry, Institute of Statistics, and Institutes of Physics. Some faculties from the Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, the Display Institute, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the Institute of Nanotechnology, and the College of Biological Science and Technology also participated in the program.